When the going gets wierd...

Amid his campaign's inept bungling, Sweeney has watched his lead over Gillibrand finally evaporate in a poll released by Siena College Sunday. In and of itself, this is not surprising given the veritable procession of bad news that has followed Sweeney around like the storm cloud that often hovers over Charlie Brown on an otherwise sunny day.
First there was news of the December 2005 domestic altercation, which Sweeney and his wife vehemently denied, rather than coming clean about the incident and moving on. In an equally mind-boggling move, he appears on the stump smiling next to George Pataki, who has successfully irked both sides of the political spectrum with his brazen patronage and wastrel governorship. Then to compound everything, Camp Sweeney comes out with a statement that they won’t release any documentation about the domestic incident under the professional advice of E. Stewart Jones, one of the Capital Region’s most notorious lawyers.
But the weird doesn’t stop there. After a weekend spent out of the public view and while his former 14-point lead dipped a solid 18 points to put Gillibrand ahead in the polls, Jones fired back, blasting the Times Union, Daily News and Newsday for collaborating in a bizarre conspiracy to sink Sweeney’s ship.

According to Jones, the police report given to the press last week was leaked by none other than Howard Wolfson, a top advisor to former President Bill Clinton and Sen. Hillary Clinton, who is widely believed to have presidential ambitions. Jones told several news agencies that he believes Wolfson promised unabashed access to the future Clinton campaign in exchange for the timed release of the deleterious document.
And Camp Sweeney’s response to this mayhem? Show up at the Milton Town Hall for no apparent reason.
As Sweeney flounders, Gillibrand is seeking the final nail to hammer into his coffin by appearing with the Clintons at a quick-stop rally at the Warren County Airport. This appearance falls just two days after the congressional candidate and senator snubbed a fundraising event for children with disabilities in the Spa City, according to a typical one-source article appearing in The Saratogian this weekend. The organizer of the event at the Excelsior Avenue VFW Post said there wasn’t going to be any opportunity to speak or wave political signs at the event, which is probably why both politicians chose not to attend.
Instead, Camp Gillibrand left behind three pictures autographed by retired Stanley Cup winning New York Rangers’ goaltender Mike Richter, who has about as much to do with the 20th Congressional District as hockey does with formulating policies in Washington. True, Richter is a Yale graduate who has dabbled in other campaigns this year, most notably the battle for the 19th Congressional District by former Orleans front man John Hall.

John Hall was the lead guitarist for Orleans. Darryl Hall was the Hall in Hall & Oates. As far as your earlier reference to Gayle Sweeney as a "trophy wife," as Frank Romano in "Everybody Loves Raymond" said when Marie referred to herself as a trophy wife, "What contest in Hell did I win?"
To Patrick Anthony and the many others that caught my eighties blunder,
Thanks for correcting my faux pas. I strive for accuracy and hope to correct careless mistakes quickly. I will say this: life is pretty hazy in the morning after five hours of sleep and before the proper homeostasis of stimulants has been reached in the bloodstream, not that this is an excuse for egregious errors of fact, as in the case of today's Orleansgate. I suppose it's time to up the caffeine dosage before hitting the keys.
And while I'm making some concessions here, I'll print this quote that an anonymous reader left after adeptly finding a typo in another post: When Yogi Berra complained to a reporter that he went five-for-five but the paper printed that he went four-for-five, the reporter told him it was a typographical error. Yogi's reply: "Bulls**t, that was a clean hit to left field!"
Love the quote.
Regarding the "trophy wife" comment, there is a certain tongue-in-cheek implication in saying this; she is more than 15 years younger than Sweeney and, relatively speaking, the looker of the two. Not to mention, given his present looks and portly stature, "Gayle" will be quite the catch if Sweeney loses the district and all his girl toys.
In closing, keep reading, keep posting, and keep me on my toes. Writing here seems so much more interesting when the readers respond.
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