Leave those kids alone

Unfortunately, the survey, like many of its ilk, is remarkably misleading when taking into consideration the district as a whole. Although the article published Thursday in The Saratogian doesn’t bother with piddling details such as how many students were polled –there are roughly 3,700 teens attending the middle and high school –it does give us one detail: 170 parents filled out the anonymous questionnaire.
Even if every parent in the district was single, this means about 4 percent of them were used in the survey, which is hardly scientific by any standards. In other words, the survey is a good scare tactic to raise some ignorant eyebrows, but is just about useless as a barometer of the alcohol and drug rates in the district. And at least the hill of beans can be used for a nice chili con carne, something the aforementioned survey just doesn’t have in its capacity.

Then again, the survey itself seems almost as a plea from the partnership for prevention to justify its own existence. It’s not that this coalition of community leaders is ill-willed or misguided; just that their mission is one of herculean difficulty, when one considers the task of preventing alcohol use among later adolescents.
Drinking is something that is deeply ingrained in American Culture, as is binging and excess. These are elements that promulgated freely throughout the ages, including this modern one. Whether it’s on the silver screen with Bogart-esque character saddling up to the bar for a mid-afternoon cocktail or a bunch of bikini clad women bouncing around a beer bash on television, kids learn pretty damn quickly that getting hammered is both pleasurable and popular. And now that the drinking age is 21, it’s also the solid denominator of adulthood.
So even if kids are taught from the cradle to puberty that booze is bad and getting drunk is worse, there’s a good chance they’ll do it anyway once their later teen years set in. After all, these are the years they strive to be adults; growing facial hair, even if it looks ridiculous, wearing makeup even it looks out of place –taking a pull or five off dad’s vodka, just to feel a bit more adult. There’s no survey or prevention program that will stop that from happening.

I agree 100%, I taught the DARE program for 6 years when I was a cop, sorry to say this but it was childish bullshit. I saw many programs and seminars and parent meetings it was ridiculous. Communities came up with programs to curb drugs and alcohol but those disappeared within a year. Nothing changed. When I was young the legal age was 18 and now it is 21 did it make a difference of course not.
Kids see the parents drink, they see the commercials, the TV programs and yada, yada, yada.
SADD, MADD,DARE or whatever, Good Luck
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