Secure link

But that didn’t stop the media from making a connection between the mass killings at Virginia Tech last week and the raucous frolic amid the fountain’s streaming waters. Sure there are a few similarities, such as both universities are large and have students. But this is where any likenesses end.
Still, no less than two media sources covering the event made the inextricable link between the two events, raising the one question that was definitely not on the minds of any of the more than 8,000 scantily clad students: is it safe?
Of course they feel safe, you dolts. Four shots of vodka in some tang and a few mid-morning bingers will give anyone a forged sense of safety. If nothing else, the sheer adrenaline of being surrounding by throngs of like-minded scantily clad students is enough to create a bit of apathy toward matters of safety. Just ask the UAlbany students tackling each other in the slippery foot-deep concrete pool.

Likewise, the reporter from Capital News 9 pointed to the massive security presence at the event, claiming that it was even “more visible” than in previous years. Obviously, whomever attended this years’ event didn’t take a good look around in 2005 and 2006, when a veritable cadre of university police and a nearly 100-strong private security force –not including the 250-some-odd campus staffers on hand –kept a watchful eye over the revelers.
In actuality, the only issues of security on the minds of students was the fact that there was to damn much of it. Many students who partied during Fountain Days of years past argued the new security measures were going a bit too far, even calling them “Orwellian” in nature. Students were forced to wear wrist band, had to register in advance using their UAlbany identification card; were unable to bring friends from outside the campus; and most of all, had to be frisked just to get in. UAlbany stopped just short of giving students a breathalyzer test before allwoing them admittance.

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