Look who’s teaching now

Take for instance the fledgling journalism undergraduate program at the University at Albany. While there are some accomplished journalists taking the lectern, there are others that might just give you the wrong impression about reporting or writing a good story. In fact, Albany’s newest part-time lecturer might just leave you in the classroom to figure it out for yourself while she goes out to get her nails done.
That’s right, esteemed beautician and housewife extraordinaire Barbara Lombardo has apparently taken a spot guest lecturing at UAlbany. Lombardo, who sometimes doubles as the managing editor of the Saratogian, clearly has time on her hands with the quality of product now being released from the Lake Avenue newsroom. It’s not like she has a whole staff of rookie journalists over there that could benefit from some coaching; or a Web design that’s gone dreadfully wrong.
Sarcasm aside, Lombardo is about the last editor in the region -perhaps even the state -who should be teaching cub reporters how to pass muster in the go get‘em field of modern journalism. Everything about her writing suggests the type of recalcitrance grown only after a journalist has fully abandoned all the principals and tools of their trade.

But were there an example of why Lombardo shouldn’t be teaching anything, much less fledgling reporters, it would be her latest blog entry detailing the editor’s thought process as a fire raged on Grand Avenue. Instead of racing to work and grabbing hold of the first pad-toting pen jockey she could find -or going out to the fire herself -Lombardo did what any entrenched editor would do: She took to the phone.
Let’s try to forget the fire was within walking distance of the Saratogian offices. And let’s also give Lombardo a bit of a break because she was her “first day back to work after several days off.” But seriously, when news breaks, she should at least have a mechanism in line to get the job done. This mechanism happened to be the Web editor, who apparently has a better grasp on covering breaking news than his boss. Before Lombardo could make another round of fruitless phone calls, the fellow was charging out to the fire, as she explains in hyperlink-free Dried Ink.
Students, this is what your tuition is paying for: Stories about how the Web editor, photographer and circulation department worker demonstrated how useless a so-called managing editor is with a small-sized daily newspaper. In contrast to whatever she might lecture about, Lombardo’s newsroom does offer prospective journalists an interesting opportunity to learn, albeit without much of safety net.

I love how it's the publisher who gives her the tip. Apparently the circulation department (none too busy given the plummeting numbers of readers) had to call the publisher to get someone on the editorial side to respond.
Does she not realize how bad she makes herself look? Does she not realize this insight only reinforces the perception that The Saratogian is an amateur operation? Does she not realize that her own blog entry supports the notion that she, the managing editor, neither manages nor edits? Oy.
Your criticisms would carry more weight if you weren't hiding behind your cloak of anonymity.
P.S. I love (not) the fact that you have comment moderation enabled. Are you practicing censorship? So much for freedom of the press ...
P.P.S. I've been lurking for months and long ago decided that I would not comment unless I used my real name. I challenge you to do the same.
Hate to state the obvious here... but isn't your blog an example of armchair reporting – after the fact and full of personal bias?
By the way, Barbara wants to meet you in the playground after school. She's gonna kick your ass!
kimberly berry,
"Your criticisms would carry more weight if you weren't hiding behind your cloak of anonymity."
So we disagree. My message would be (and is) the same either way.
"P.S. I love (not) the fact that you have comment moderation enabled. Are you practicing censorship? So much for freedom of the press..."
This blog isn't "freedom of the press." I lack that sort of resource. And technically, it's not freedom of anything. Maybe speech, if you want to pigeonhole a blog into First Amendment rights. And it's certainly not freedom to post whatever you damn well please.
I'll admit, I allow a good deal of posts through I probably shouldn't. It takes a good deal to get censored here: extreme profanity, spam, outright hurtful comments with no real intrinsic value and sock-puppet comments lacking an ounce of humor; also double comments(users that post the same comment twice for whatever reason) are roundly deleted here. But, in almost two years of service and nearly 300 topics, I've stopped exactly 67 comments, including about two-dozen where the commenter specifically said "don't post this, but you made XYZ error in your blog entry."
So think what you want. If you really don't like it, I urge you to start your own blog and blog about how bad this one is with all its anonymity, censoring et cetera. You can even do it anonymously if you want. Far from this pot to call the kettle black.
Armchair reporting? Christ. I'll have to grab myself an armchair. Here at iSaratoga with it's extremely limited monthly budget -$30 for cheap booze -there's no real room for expenditures like armchairs. Would a folding chair do?
Speaking of folding chairs, I'm bringing one to the playground. I'm ready, WWF-style...
Exactly my point. Proving how senseless your position is these days at most cash-strapped newspapers is usually ill-advised, with the whole decline of newsprint and whatnot. If JRC catches wind, they'll have an inanimate carbon rod managing the Saratogian next week.
Oh goody !!
Another Jeanette Jordon - with hard factual reporting.
A real asset to Ayco.
2:22 "cloak of anonymity" does get a bit bedraggled these days, when repelling accusations of cowardice while avoiding the bait to defend one’s pride. Yet, ideas and verifiable facts should be enough, and not be automatically dismissed solely on the basis of discrediting the messenger, and likely dismissing the message. The proliferation of letters in this medium that practice character assassinations rather than focussing on issues would lead the wisest amongst us to dress for the weather should a pleasant forecast suddenly turn violent.
And as for having more cachet, that is debatable.
Hi Oh Silver…. Away.
I read your blog entree Kimberly. A real hard hitting piece of journalism isn’t writing on this blog slumming it a little for you. I mean a woman with your credentials and all.
I rely more on Ho and Ben for my news then the Saratogian which I would never buy. I do read the newspaper on line only to see what the editors see as important news. I like the anonymity which in a small town allows for more openness and critical viewpoints. I can see the downside as well but let the reader beware. These blogs have a lot of good stuff, the comments are both entertaining and informative. Although some of the comments are just obvious flaming there is also a lot of creative and relevant analysis.
Kimberly Berry,
Gee, that is a real deep & insightful piece of journalism that you contributed to the public sphere there --- not.
I wouldn't be so proud of the fact that you are attaching your identity to it. Might I suggest a pen name?
More useless pop-journalism nonsense taking up more real estate in the community's daily newspaper. Great.
You should be proud.
BTW: if you have such a problem with Ananoymous opinions, go talk to Barbara. You know, the Sound Off section???
The Saratogian won't print it, but this forum will......so, let's heve it: give us your insight to the modern state of our fair city.
Or is it all about the napkin colors at the last nites' big soiree?
What a dip shit.
2:22 "Hi Oh Silver…. Away."
I verified it with Kimosabe and it was HI HO Silver! You gutless, unworthy, not proud, %##!*!! masked blogger. Stick that in your cachit.
breaking news! Blue Dog is a dipshit! How does the worthless comments on this blooog even begin to resemble journalism? I bet if it just did wonderful comments about the McTygue boys you would buy a subscription.
BlueDog said.. 9:34 AM
"there is also a lot of creative and relevant analysis."
You’re so kind.
Thank you
Kimberly Berry’s Photo said,
“P.P.S. I've been lurking for months”
Your partial picture, if in fact that is you, is a little scary.
When I look at your picture I realize how Little Red Riding Hood must have felt walking through the woods.
That big wicked smile of yours, that hungry gleam in your eye, and those long sharp shiny teeth make me want to start doubling up on my prayers every night.
"breaking news! Blue Dog is a dipshit! How does the worthless comments on this blooog even begin to resemble journalism? I bet if it just did wonderful comments about the McTygue boys you would buy a subscription."
Speaking of moderation...I considered not posting this comment simply to save the writer some face. I've read Chinese food menus with better prose. Do us all a favor and at least learn to speak little Engrish before you drop a missive.
As for what I think was your point -this blog being a McTygue booster forum -you're about as wrong as your grammar. In fact, I'm getting pretty tired of posting bullshit comments about McTygue that have NOTHING to do with the topics addressed here. The dude lost the election. Let him rest in peace/get over it.
Thank you all for proving my point.
Two facts and a heaping helping of assumption do not tell the whole story. You don't know if I agree or disagree with the criticisms that are posted here. I simply said I didn't agree with the way it was being written - anonymously.
It's easy to point fingers and poke fun at others when you don't have to take responsibility for your words.
kimberly berry,
Blogging, like the information superhighway it rides, is a form of mass communication that doesn't conform to the precepts and standards of classic dialog. Some choose the medium to lob grenades from afar, while others use it as a unfettered mode of expression.
You seem to castigate the whole for the the indiscretions of the few. Try if you will, but you won't be able to cram the blogosphere into the same rigid principles followed by newsprint journalists. I fear you miss the message being delivered by focusing on the needless issue of identity. If you want to see names and bylines, pickup a newspaper. Otherwise, take the blogosphere for face value; read and enjoy.
Kimberly Berry’s Photo said,
“P.P.S. I've been lurking for months”
Well, Kimberly, my intuition was right.
My double dose of prayers didn’t help. I had a nightmare last night. I dreamt that you were Glenn Close in the movie Fatal Attraction. I was naturally Michael Douglas and when we got to the bath tub scene I woke up in a cold sweat.
P.S. Sometimes my imagination runs a little wild.
P.P.S. Welcome to the Blog.
Hey Kimberly! I like your face! Don't let these one siders get to you. They are wannabees and you are it!
Kimberly Berry said...8:13 AM
"It's easy to point fingers and poke fun at others when you don't have to take responsibility for your words."
You've hit the nail right on the head.
That's the magic of the blogosphere.
Taking responsibility for one's actions is sometimes overrated.
On the same hand, the irresponsibility that blogs offer gives one a sense of freedom not found in other mediums. Maybe that is why the news in newspapers seems stifling.
You don’t have to read in between the lines on blogs to understand the meaning of what’s being said.
As always, there are those that 'get it,' and those that don't.
The well intentioned Ms Berry, unfortunately (for her), is part of the latter.
The web is a rule breaker in many, many ways. One of them is in what is called citizen journalism, of which blogs are the most high profile tool.
Don't rush into this new world order with your old rules of engagement, Ms B. After all, why would you: old-school journalism is generally considered to be in a rapid decline -- for reasons that are too numerous to delve into here -- so why would we want to imitate a failure?
Specifically, we need to address your assumption that tagging one's name to an opinion or observation somehow gives that opinion more weight or vailidity.
Says who? By making that claim, you are expressing an opinion, not stating a fact. What 'proof' do you have to back your claim?
The web, with its user-generated content (as opposed to your apparently favored world of McPaper journalism, where content is dictated by some unenlightened whitebread housewife counting the days until her retirement so she can park hereself in a lawn chair in Carolina) does not make that assumption, and does not require it as a qualifier for public viewing.
Guess what? It works better that way.
People have different reasons for not feeling obligated or not wanting to attach their name to a blog comment or post. Maybe it's job security; or being afraid of pissing off the neighbor or pissing off some vengeful politician or freaking out the spouse.
Without requiring these shackles, we're hearing what people REALLY think.
It all comes down to what works best and what doesn't work.
So, if one were to agree with my opinion that forums like the one right here offer a better source of intelligent and thoughtful commentary on local life & politics than does the more traditional alternative (i.e., the city's daily newspaper), then why would we change the better option to make it imitate the inferior one?
It's a brave new world out there Ms Berry. You appear to be a younger/youngish person, age-wise, which makes your "doesn't get it" perspective rather surprising. Such an opionion would normally be held by a stodgy senior citizen.
Get on board, it's an exciting time to live in.
As part of that experience, do us a favor? Divorce yourself from the kind of old-world garbage that was referenced on here and which you apparently wrote for the Saratogian.
Ask yourself these questions:
1) is this what I went to college for?
2) is this the best contribution I can mae to the local conversation?
3) is this the kind of personal legacy I want to leave behind?
Very well stated Professor. I agree whole heartedly.
9:16 "That's the magic of the blogosphere"
I would hardly call that the "magic".
It is not irresponsible to anonymously post blogs; it is however, to make character assassinations instead of honestly being critical of another’s ideas. The ridiculous banter doesn’t always make a point only, that there are some out there that get off on it. Admittedly, while it can be humorous at times to read, it can also become tiresome and when the blogger crosses the line, between challenging opinions using inexcusable choices of characterizations, to serious online harassment -- computer crime specialists can be enlisted making this white-collar crime punishable.
Nah, that’s not ever going to happen huh? Don’t think for a minute that your “anonymous” blogs are protected. They may be for publication, but they’ve got your prints all over them as soon as you hit send.
All of this doesn’t prevent you from silently writing about issues, it just means that you have to curb your enthusiasm and find the appropriate words in your thesaurus to make your rant less toxic and more digestible. You won’t find a white van parked out front of your house with the name of some fictitious company on the side with people inside listening to your messages – they’re reading it right now from their computer screens waiting for your reply.
The Professor said...
"Such an opionion would normally be held by a stodgy senior citizen."
Hey, I'll have you know, I'm starting to resemble that remark.
Professor, Blow it out your ass! Nobody gives a shit about your opinion! Go tell a story with those nimwits like John Tighe at the legion. You too can be a big hero over there with the rest of the drunks!
shotinthedark said:
"Taking responsibility for one's actions is sometimes overrated.
On the same hand, the irresponsibility that blogs offer gives one a sense of freedom not found in other mediums."
I agree and disagree - it's just not that simple. I am fairly experienced in online mediums (forums, groups, blogs) and I understand and appreciate the sense of freedom you refer to. But there is more than one example out there of a blogger being outed and of it having serious detrimental effects on his/her personal and professional life. When posting anonymously or under a pseudonym, people think that it's okay to say what they think, to say whatever they want to say, and that it won't have repercussions. Consider the case of Lori Drew, the mother whose online harassment of a teenaged girl ostensibly led to the girl's suicide:
Anonymity only lasts so long. If someone really wants to find out who you are and if they have the resources, they can find you. You leave a trail everywhere you go and it's hard to cover your tracks. There are tools that allow blog owners to track who visits their site, how you got there, how long you stayed, which pages you viewed and where you went when you left. You are not as anonymous as you think. And that's part of the reason why I chose not to delay the inevitable and signed my name to my comment.
The Professor said:
"As always, there are those that 'get it,' and those that don't.
The well intentioned Ms Berry, unfortunately (for her), is part of the latter ...Specifically, we need to address your assumption that tagging one's name to an opinion or observation somehow gives that opinion more weight or vailidity."
I beg to differ. Knowing from whence the information comes makes a great deal of difference. There is so much information out there, it is difficult to differentiate fact from fiction. If you were sick and you wanted to do some preliminary research online, which piece of information would you consider to be more valid - the one from WebMD where there are qualified doctors or an anonymous post on some bulletin board?
And to answer those three questions:
"Ask yourself these questions:
1) is this what I went to college for?
2) is this the best contribution I can mae to the local conversation?
3) is this the kind of personal legacy I want to leave behind? "
1) You are assuming I went to college. Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment.
2) Yup. This is the best I can do. Maybe it's not good enough for you, but it's what I got. Take it or leave it - that's the beauty of the medium, is it not?
3) Well, it is my legacy because I was brave enough to attach my name to it. To me, that counts for something.
Here's hoping that maybe, just maybe, I'll be allowed to have the last word on this and you all can move on to more important topics.
P.S. klopek – thanks for the kind words; I appreciate it.
Lets not forget Deep Throat. In case you’ve forgotten Deep Throat was an important source for Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who together wrote a series of articles on the scandal that played a decisive role in exposing the misdeeds of the Nixon administration. For more than 30 years, the identity of Deep Throat was one of the biggest mysteries of American politics and journalism,
The fact that his identity was not revealed in someway discredit the information he supplied Kimberly?
"ainexcusable choices of characterizations, to serious online harassment"
"nimwits like John Tighe at the legion. You too can be a big hero over there with the rest of the drunks!"
I go to the legion have no idea who John Tighe is through.
So how can you bitch and then write the very same crap you bitch about?
Kimberly Berry said... 11:25 AM
“Here's hoping that maybe, just maybe, I'll be allowed to have the last word on this and you all can move on to more important topics.”
Like many women, it is important to have the “last” dramatic word.
And as most of us men have come to find out, it’s generally a request that we should and do accommodate.
However, you will find that many silly rules of life do not apply on these blogs.
You can't have it both ways.
You don't make the rules.
You can complain and think some aspects of the blogosphere are unfair.
But let's face it, you have secretly been reading and enjoying this blog for some time and you’re not going to stop reading it anytime soon.
It has become part of your life.
I was taught as a child if you didn't have anything good to say; don't say anything.
That rule of life still applies in many cases. However, with this new medium I can now say things some "bad" things that I really want to say.
I am no longer stifled I don't always have to be "political correct."
I have grown; I have changed.
You can teach old dogs new tricks.
The rules have changed; we live in a different world.
It's exciting.
Some things need to be said in a harsh manner.
We have all said and written things we wish we hadn't.
C’est la vie.
Who the fk is this John Tighe guy that this retard keeps mentioning?
Are we supposed to know this Mr Tighe? Is he somehow important or related to all of this?
Or is this just another example of the paranoid schitzophrenic lunatic ramblings that we have come to expect from your garden variety Keehn supporter?
I thought so....
The way his nut writes, I'm beginning to think he might be either Bronner or Wyatt.
I can't tell without seeing if he spits when he speaks, though.
"Who the fk is this John Tighe guy that this retard keeps mentioning?"
John Tighe is a supporter of Tom McTygue. He and Gerald Hawthorne use to be friends. Hawthorne is a supporter of Keehn.
To answer your question, I believe Hawthorne is the "retard" that keeps mentioning John Tighe.
A little off the subject...but who is whipple on the fire department. I watched a little of the fire the other day (I do feel very sorry for those people) and I saw whipple and he is so fat I was totally amazed that in this day and age that he could be a fireman. Doesn't the fire department have physical standards? Everyone else looked in pretty good shape...I noticed he spent some time stuffing his face with donuts. Maybe he should step away from the pastries once in a while. Sad thing is the tax payers will no doubt have to pay for his disability when he gets injured.
Does anyone see a recurring pattern in writing style by one of the posters on this blog?
Check out 9:12's post. I will bet dollars to doughnuts that this is the same mental pygmy that has sprinkled incoherent, deranged, harassing, petty comments on this blog, and on iSaratoga.
I would have thought that these were just the wild musings of an idiot, but with the recent trend of people's blogging identities being swiped, I can't help but wonder if a more nefarious play is at hand.
Could the Keehniacs be at it again? Is this a crazy attempt to sabotage these blogs? Only time will tell.
Kimberly Berry did a great job redirecting the attention from her friend Barbara to herself, didn't she? i read this great blog about the woman who "sometimes doubles as the managing editor of the saratogian" and see that there are 32 (thirty-two!) comments. i grab my popcorn and my iced tea and settle my butt in the chair for what i think is going to be a good half hour of reading. what do i get? a part-time social scene writer and more mctygue/keehn bullshit...
we should be ashamed of ourselves, people.
This is John Tighe. One correction ‘shot’ me and Gerard were never friends we went to school together so we knew each another. I to believe he keeps bring up my name in a slanderous way along with the American Legion.
This shit might win points for him with the Keehn and Bronner crowd but most people I speak to are appalled. Personally I hope he keeps attacking me and this posting just to show the other citizen’s of Saratoga what petty humorless slime balls these people are.
"we should be ashamed of ourselves, people"
Sorry Horatio, we'll do better next time.
From what I hear from Mr. Hawthorne is this Tighe guy that spent a great deal of time stalking the ex-mayor has had problems since he was very young. He explained it was not his fault because of his up bringing. In my opinion though it is no excuse for his behavior.
Against my better judgment since my family upbringing was brought into this I must respond.
This Is John Tighe To the idiot who wrote Quoting Gerard: I had a wonderful childhood. Thank you for caring so much.
As far as stalking Val hey what can I say she such a hot chick.
I wish Gerard libelous behavior could be excused by his up bringing but he came from a wonderful family so he has no excuse. Some people are just born an asshole.
anon3:25 cuts down firemen who has like many others over the years risked his life for the city residents. Maybe you are jealous because you aren't qualified. You just happened to be watching the fire. You know what they say .The guy who starts the fire usually hangs around to see his own work. How about it?
This Is John Tighe To the idiot who wrote Quoting Gerard: I had a wonderful childhood. Thank you for caring so much.
As far as stalking Val hey what can I say she such a hot chick.
I wish Gerard libelous behavior could be excused by his up bringing but he came from a wonderful family so he has no excuse. Some people are just born an asshole.
Anonymous said...2:13 PM
"anon3:25 cuts down firemen who has like many others over the years risked his life for the city residents."
He didn't cut down firemen. He asked about one overweight fireman who he saw eating doughnuts at the fire.
As far as firemen risking their lives are concerned; that is a choice they have made. There are many dangerous jobs in this world. In fact the most dangerous job in the country is a $7.00 an hour night time convenience store clerk.
You and I both know that most of these firemen are there for the money and the benefits.
You must have a fireman's wage confused with that of a banker. The current starting salary for a fireman is $30,500. Idiots like yourself who blindly lament misinformation shouldn't blog unless you know what you're talking about. Fishing and related activities topped the fatality list, with 142 deaths per 100,000 workers. Did it ever cross your mind fireman might have chosen their profession to help people and not for the whopping paychecks they receive?
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