After a solid month of round-the-clock courtside reports, a veritable deluge of blogs and an
Orange County media circus that would dwarf even the best big top display put on by Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey, there are still some who refuse to move on after the Porco case.
True, there’s something about Christopher Porco’s murder trial that harkens back to Robert Chambers of the mid-80s fame in Central Park. His debonair looks, preppy hair cut and seemingly arrogant demeanor seem to reek of the hallmark scents media outlets enjoy sniffing out; clean-cut silver spoon-sucking white-bred college boy gone bad on his doting parents with a cleaver. It’s a story of middle-class society gone awry as no one ever suspected it would.
In the end, Porco was convicted of his misdoings. And in October, he’ll more than likely be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Here’s where the story ends; the marrow has been sucked dry, the meat has been boiled down and there’s nothing left but a fetid pile of bone and sinew.
Yet almost a week after his conviction, there are some media vultures who continue to root around for a Porco story, obviously not satiated by the feast of trial news they’ve had over the past month and a half. They ask questions like how’s Porco handling jail life; is he a psycho killer; is his maimed mother visiting; what happens if he doesn’t get up at seven in the morning as directed by the jail wardens.
Answer? He doesn’t get breakfast.
Bottom line is Porco rots in jail like many people wanted him to. He’ll rot there for a fairly long time too, unless his defense attorneys have one hell of a joker up their sleeves. So this is the cue to the media: take a vacation and put the Porco trial behind you; pull down the blogs, wrap up the special sections and move on to something newsworthy.
For those media outlets to dense to realize what may or may not be newsworthy in the Porco case, here’s a quick list. First, if he’s shanked in prison, killed or kills again; second, if Team Kindlon can actually overturn his conviction; and third, when he’s finally sentenced to a prison term. An honorable mention would be if he defies all standard logic and actually confesses to the murder. Otherwise, leave it up to CourtTV to do the post-trial documentary.
But what is truly sad about the whole case is that there are plenty of other murders in the Capital Region of intrigue that go unmentioned in even a cusory fashion. It's namely because they don't involve a butchered ex-law clerk and a prototype like Porco.
Instead, these cases have victims from the lower class and killers who are drunks, drug adicts or others living on the periphery of society; people who don't paint as sensation a picture to boost ratings or sell papers. They're ignored b

ecause no one really cares if the dogs of society tear each other to pieces. After all, it's just another body murdered.
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