Ho, ho. Look who
else has joined the blogosphere. This week, Hilary McLellan, a stauch charter reform proponent and the wife of alleged videographer Roger Wyatt, launched a daily cyber-post called “Mayor Keehn.” Conveniently, there is no place to post comments on the blog.
As one could imagine, the blog largely discusses initiatives launched by incumbent Mayor Valerie Keehn over the past 16 months. Summing things up to date, rerouting senior citizen buses, helping out Waveland, Miss., and having an intern research ways to make the city Greener. There’s also a bit about the Mayor helping out with the ad hoc committee on the future of horse racing in New York, and how she gained valuable experience with influential people in the know.

Of course, this is the same committee Gov. Eliot Spitzer put out to pasture last month to get an opinion from his own personal panel. It’s also the same committee that endorsed the somewhat-embattled Excelsior Racing Associates as the right choice to guide New York’s tracks into the future.
As some may recall, Excelsior fell into some hard times earlier this year when New York Yankees executive Steve Swindal was estranged from the Steinbrenner family. Steve Wynn, the developer of the Wynn Las Vegas, Bellagio and Mirage casinos in Nevada, stepped into his place to save the group’s bid.

Longtime Times Union columnist Fred LeBraun this week noted Excelsior’s connections to casino gambling and referred to the group the “
Great White Shark” of bidders in the whole affair. Just the type of folks the city’s guppy of a mayor should be fraternizing with.
She looks like the "proverbial deer in the headlights," doesn't she?
How appropriate.
Dear Horatio Alger,
I presume your name means something about your political sensibilities.
Listen, Ms. Goldstein and Ms. Jennings are spoiled retirees who have nothing better to do than hammer the parks commission and state to serve their selfish interests.
Clearly, from your email, you approve of the socialist government of New York taking money from one group and handing it, no strings attached, to another group. This is called Communism. It didn't work for 75 years in Russia, not in 60 years in China, and forever in New York state!
When will you wake up to the fact that the loudest protesters, no matter their idiocy, will command the attention of the press, the state of NY and others, to bend to their will.
What happens when one of these groups decide that you are not paying enough tax?
What happens when one of these special groups decide that your house belongs to them, your car, your income??
Think about it --- then decide if Ms. Goldstein and Ms. Jennings deserve your support!
-Peter Jennings
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