Wanna hear a dirty joke?

After successfully fissuring the Spa City’s Democratic Party, Kommandant Keehn is still on the war path, looking to crack up any coalition of voters she can ferret out. This time, she has her sights on the Independence Party, which shunned her for an endorsement last month.
The whole affair smacks of dirty politics from Kamp Keehn. The mayor is trying in vain to brush as many “Gordon Boyd” lines off as she can in a desperate attempt to play the odds. Chances are pretty good there will be at least one befuddled voter who staggers into the booth and pulls the first lever that comes to their fingers. Not to mention, most Independence Party voters don’t even think there’s a primary in September –with exception to the ones the Keehniacs have personally contacted.
If she can boot Boyd off the Independence line and then take the Democratic primary, she’s successfully whittled him down to the Conservative line. This would also play to the mantra of the Keehniacs, who are increasingly trying to paint Boyd as a closet Republican, who would gain office and immediately start taking trips to the presidential ranch in Crawford.
With the primaries approaching, Keehn is doing her utmost to make this race ugly. From publically calling her fellow Democrats “cowards” to littering the cityscape with her campaign signs more than four months in advance of the general election. And that’s after she squandered the best chance city progressives had in city government to prove their critics wrong. Keehn is nothing more than a dirty politician who needs to be swept away like the rubbish left behind after this week’s Dave Matthews Concert.
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