Fools and their money quickly parted

For those who haven’t heard, Jobs pulled perhaps the largest fast one on the general public since David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear more than two decades ago. With a smiling face and a new parade of iToys, Apple’s founder extended his middle finger to all the crazed people that bought his iPhone in June, and then announced his company would knock $200 off the sticker price.
This has got to be a frustrating development for the droves of rubes that spent hours waiting on long lines to pay nearly $600 for the cell phone on steroids. Yes, Jobs pulled a fast one alright. Sure, everyone expects new technology to drop $100 or so within their first year on the market. But $200 in just two months is virtually unheard of, especially for a company like Apple.

Undoubtedly, Apple scored the lottery jackpot with their ruse. They pumped the market full of hot air for more than six months and then unleashed a product they probably produce for about $50 and sells for 12 times its value. Consumers, with particular regard to those in the United States, are instant gratification fanatics. Increasingly, they’re not happy with waiting unless it’s on a long line for days to purchase the aforementioned product. The more fervor a corporation can whip into the public, the more freaks that will turnout for the grand release.
With the help of Jobs, the craze that started with Cabbage Patch dolls in the 80s, moved onto Tickle-Me-Elmo toys in the 90s and more recently materialized in the Sony PlayStation 3 madness last year has now made the jump to consumer electronics. Despite looking foolish and spending more money than most people make in a week, the American consumer is all the willing to play the fool when it comes to these marketing gimmicks.

You hit it all, better then anyone else who reported on it.
Cool your heels old dude--
Thursday, 6 September 2007, 20:29 GMT 21:29 UK
Apple in iPhone price cut apology
Apple chief executive Steve Jobs has offered compensation to customers who have already bought an iPhone - after the firm cut $200 (£100) off the price.
The company slashed the cost of the eight-gigabyte version of the phone - only available in the US - to $399.
But this earned the wrath of some customers who have paid full price since its launch two months ago.
Mr Jobs said the price cut was the right move - but offered those who had already bought it a $100 voucher.
"We want to do the right thing for our valued iPhone customers. We apologise for disappointing some of you, and we are doing our best to live up to your high expectations Mr Jobs said.
For many the price cut slipped by unnoticed as the company unveiled a slew of new gadgets, including adding a touch-screen iPod to Apple's popular line of portable music players.
At the press conference, the firm also revealed that the four-gigabyte model of the iPhone was being dropped.
Don't buy first generation products. In case anyone missed that, allow me to restate: don't buy first generation products.
Actually, let me put that another way: don't buy first generation products.
And look at this:
It is interesting to note that the local and national media giving copius amounts of airtime to Jobs everytime he hickups. Wonder what they get out of it?
Uh, that'd be "uber-chic," Horatio. The "uber-sheik" is the one still giving us the middle finger from his room in Pervez Musharraf's basement.
I must admit my folly here and with a smile as well. Great post. I will point out in my extremely limited defense –chic was the word I was looking for but somehow missed amid my oft blurry morning eyes –that the word ‘sheik’ can mean an extremely attractive man. The American Heritage dictionary lists the word as slang for “A romantically alluring man.”
But alas, the words are indeed two separate one, chic coming from the Frankish term, Schick, meaning skill, fitness, and elegance in Middle High German. Sheik, on the other hand, became debonair to use after the 1921 movie “The Sheikh,”which starred a strapping Rudolph Valentino and gave the term meaning as a “strong, romantic lover.”
This time, I will concede.
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