Scientific theory

This was the dilemma faced by esteemed local Physicist John Philip Sayers as he was strolling out for his morning latte and a copy of the Wall Street Journal; would the glass break? As he speculated using advanced quantum theory, the pane shattered, leaving a gaping hole into the gritty darkened electronics bodega.
But before the young theorist could advance forward to his intended destination, another burning question blazed a trail across his whirring thought process: what if some sort of anomalous gravitational pull somehow created an electromagnetic field across freshly created hole, thereby thwarting entrance into the store? The store’s alarm hadn’t gone off, meaning there was a chance such a freakish scientific event was occurring.
So in the interest of science, Sayers decided it would be a good idea to try passing something through the broken doorway; namely himself. Lo and behold, he was able to enter the store, where he then realized some unaware shopper had carelessly left his or her collection of cell phones beneath a display case. Being the upstanding citizen that he is, Sayers decided to collect the devices with full intention of bringing them to the proper authorities.

The rampaging store owner and his son –clearly bent on some sort of sadistic war path –were about to make a Jackson Pollack mural with the contents of Sayers’ head before the police pulled up, he told the Times Union in an “exclusive” interview
“I basically gave up, and you shoot me, so basically the police saved my life,” groaned the 21-year-old man from his Albany Medical Center hospital bed.
Saved his life and then beat him mercilessly, Sayers went on to explain. They cursed at him. They kicked him. They callously ignored his pleas for the better interest of science until he collapsed and pointed to the quarter-sized hole blown through his bicep.
The bi-polar “good kid” who admitted to being “disrespectful” on bad days just wants a chance to start from scratch. However, with all the publicity he and his family have brought to this case, it’s tough to say if another chance is even a possiblity. In his hour-long interview with the reporter, Sayers all but admitts to the charges against him. The man described as having “the mental ability of an 8-year-old” also apparently spoke to the reporter without once receiving proper counsel, something that could further complicate the case down the road.
Yes, there’s quite a different story dripping from the headlines in the days following Sayers’ botched burglary. And it’s debatable whether the TU’s hyper-coverage –including speculation from unaffiliated defense attorneys –has done anything other than muddy the waters for investigators, as they try to gauge the shopkeeper’s culpability.

I know this is your blog and you can do what you want. However, I suppose as a patron of your column, I can tell you in earnest that most of us (your patrons) are interested primarily in saratoa politics. We don't give a shit about Schenectady and their shootings. Of course, I am sure that you notice a lack of comments (how many times a day do you check this site?)
In any event, as an admirer and a patron of yours please give us more saratoga politics.
I guess it goes back to the adage that you can please some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time. Sometimes, however, I’ve got to please my own inner beast. And when a newspaper takes a guy like this and blows him into a front page story –one that makes him sound like a quasi-angel that just happened to launch a brick –I’ve got to let the inner beast roar.
But point well taken. After all, this is iSaratoga, not iHamiltonHill. And thankfully so.
Shotinthedark - Schenectady isn’t so far away. An autonomous and embarrassingly corrupt Police Department whose “state of the art” comand center has never provided the preventative protection its proponents initially promised its taxpayers finally, having to admit to little response enforcement and efficiency. The City’s Ward System fails its public because representation is spotty at best and unavailable most of the time. The imagined endless “revenue streams” of GE and its local cadre of support industries (like our promoted perpetual VLT transfusions and endless condo development fees) dried up leaving the residents and retailers to bail out after reduced services and higher taxes. No, it’s not far away. It’s a good study – even if it is a brick’s throw away.
As an ex-Saratogian (habitant, not journalist), I have been enjoying your blog tremendously... but I really like the variety of stories. Touch on the local politics, but please stray outside the box now and then and keep covering things outside the Spa City.
As far for the citizens of Schenectady... they should all rent Death Wish and fight back!
Lighten up Shotinthedark. I for one appreciate the break from the moronic local political scene every once in a while. Not much to comment on with this story, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it.
Anonymous #1
Very salient points, especially about the police station. In fact, I almost considered fashioning a similar blog entry not too long ago. Great Post.
Schenectady is not that far away. We now have a bus running from downtown Schenectady to downtown Saratoga every hour. For a buck some "good kid" can take a ride and do a little shopping in our city.
Who thought the bus system would be a good idea?
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