
“Nobody moves, nobody whispers and nobody gets hurt,” she ordered to the cowering press corps that had unwittingly believed her ruse about touring the station.
Morons, the freshman lawmaker thought. These freaks will believe anything I say; now it’s time to drop the hammer.
“I want the $8 million you bastards allocated for this dump in unmarked, non-sequential bills,” she hissed, while simultaneously waving the tightly gripped pistol at a cowering television camera man who had inadvertently wet himself in the excitement. “And I want a Harrier jet out here in five minutes.”
It’s a shame this wasn’t the story line making it into the four daily newspapers that mundanely followed Gillibrand around like a flock of bleating sheep. Instead, readers across the county got this: the police station is fucked and the federal government can’t do anything about it other than arm the Saratoga cops to the teeth. Not that any of this comes as a surprise. In fact, the congresswoman’s visit to the dated Lake Avenue station is about the only surprise in the roughly 2,300 words written about the affair between the four daily newspapers that covered it.
Only moments after stepping into the station, Gillibrand proclaimed she could do very little for the situation in terms of “bricks and mortar” for a new building. But, she continued, there is hope for a new Saratoga Spring SWAT team vehicle, a batch of M-16 automatic assault rifles and a veritable cornucopia of devices needed to take down an “active shooter” situation; you know, the sort of situations that have plagued the city for centuries.
Scanning the resulting formulaic articles from this futile event is akin to pursuing several hundred copies of someone’s tax returns, only each in a different font and color. First, start off with a cliché, something catchy. Then move into the so-called meat: the police station is in bad condition. Finally, drop Gillibrand’s punch line: sorry guys, you’re shit out of luck because the fed is more interested in turning your police force into an urban military tactical squad.
At first blush, one can broadly castigate these reporters for producing such homogenous tripe. Case in point, The Daily Gazette, Post Star and Saratogian articles even contain about the same number of words: 750 plus or minus a few. The Times Union attempted to deliver a more unique message by jumbling in the congresswoman’s full tour of the area, even though it seemed kind of scattered in the end.
But the sad fact is there was an editor that put these writers up to this task, accentuating it with equally bland headlines: Gillibrand tours city’s police station, Tours show space is tight, and Gillibrand tours police station. That’s the way to attract readers and bolster circulation, give’em something good and bland.
Ignored were the more appropriate issues with the station, such as an actual physical description of the space at hand and the space needed. Or what kind of grants might be available for the so-called bricks-and-mortar. Or what exactly have the police done over the past decade to play nice with the goddamn station they already have. Maybe ask why an M-16 is more important than the funding needed to bring the station up to code.
Here’s a good question: how many hours of overtime did Police Chief Ed “Arrests aren’t being made when they normally would be” Moore and his predecessors approve for a cop to watch the faulty cell block system that is only now being replaced? Better yet, how many criminals did his officers turn out onto the street because of so-called issues with the station?
These are questions some if not all of these reporters might ask, had they the time or urging to write something poignant. Instead, they’re prodded into following the herd into mediocrity; rushed into producing something that is hardly news worthy and hardly worth forking over 50 cents to read.
Good article.
At first blush you have morphed from fiction to fact.
Where has common sense gone?
That black minister may not be entirely wrong about this country.
"God Bless America" but "God damn America."
We have become an intellectually shallow people.
A Congresswoman touring the City jail! What’s next, a Senator? The circus continues…..
Does anyone know what this Commissioner or the Chief have done for the past three years?
The Commissioner has had tantrums and whined a lot. The Chief has collected a lot of pay and whined a lot. Perfect for each other.
Perfect! Now we have assholes like shot thinking Obama's minister is right! You are a friggin' communist bastard. Not only should you leave this city if you don't like it, maybe leaving the country will better suit you.
Hit the Road Jack!
The commissioner and the chief have done a great deal protecting are city. God Damn You! Not this country!
Dear 7:35 AM,
You are exactly what I am talking about; a perfect example of an intelligently shallow person.
7:35 "The commissioner and the chief have done a great deal protecting are city."
Just how have they "protected” this City?” Could you write and tell us?
It is an embarrassment to continually parade people and cameras through a facility that they are responsible for maintaining. In fact, one was elected to manage the department and the other is paid to manage his staff. Are they doing their jobs?
Claiming over 100 safety code violations in a facility that they are responsible for and have within their own ranks the City’s own Public Safety Inspectors is nothing short of absurdity. How many years of looking the other way or worse, indulging and promoting this so called chaos is the result of their own efforts.
Parading a member of Congress through a poorly maintained facility should be embarrassing, not to a community, but to the Commissioner and his Chief. Claiming that the a 120 year City Hall must be replaced probably had our Congresswoman wondering on her plane trip back to DC, whether the Congress Chambers should be sold for a new facility down the street. Can we expect a Senator (under fire) walk past the victim’s bench next?
Could the emergency phone blackouts be coincidental? The County Coordinator didn’t respond this week because as one of the designers of the original system he understands that the whole system (not just our little police station) needs to be evaluated. Cell phones and text messages has created a whole new frontier.
Are you feeling served?
I see nothing wrong with Gillibrand checking out the police station. Maybe there is funding to apply for through the Feds. I see Mayor Scott is there at the scene as well. He can help the cause hopefully.
RE Anonymous 7:35AM
I love people who get heated about anyone questioning the government and respond with "leave the country!" Why don't YOU leave? Go somewhere that caters to fascist boot-lickers like yourself... your intolerance toward free speech would be welcome in places like China.
HO: Kirsten Gillibrand can be a US Representative for life, if she wants to. The morally and financially bankrupt Republican Party has been exposed as utterly incapable of serving the public good.
All the Geriatric Old men's Party cares about is protecting the privileges of rich businessmen and developers. They couldn't care less about providing affordable housing for working class families, protecting Social Security benefits for senior citizens, or making health care available to all Americans. All they want to spend public money on is a set of policies that keeps us perpetually at war so most of our tax dollars go to their buddies in the defense industry, or bailing out Wall Street speculators who've wrecked the economy. And they don't mind spending trillions of public dollars on their ruinous policies - even if they have to borrow the money from China to do it.
At the same time, the Republicans are forcing most of us to spend almost all of our incomes on the basic necessities - heating our homes, putting food on our tables, and clothing on our backs - because their lunatic policies are driving the cost of energy ever higher, with no end in sight.
Voters are eager to vote for Gillibrand for one main reason - she's not a Republican! Maybe she's not perfect, but at least she offers the possibility of steering us back towards a national government that actually tries to balance the federal budget (remember the good old days of the Clinton administration?), regards taking care of senior citizens and ordinary workers as a higher priority than bailing out big businesses, and doesn't want our sons and daughters to spend the next "10,000 years" - in the words of John McCain - fighting in Iraq.
It's going to take awhile for Kirsten Gillibrand, Ron Kim, and other Democrats to finally build a new public safety facility (what a concept - using publilc resources to protect public safety!), but one thing's for sure: The job will never get done as long as the Republicans are in control.
Anon 7:35 - You did a great job explaining the situation of the police station and its management exactly as it is. Hopefully the majority of Saratogians see it this way, and vote a management person in who can work for the taxpayer and fix this mess with out the need to raise taxes. Yes it can be done.
"The commissioner and the chief have done a great deal protecting are city."
Protecting it from what? Rabid yuppies? The only thing they've protected is a boatload of police overtime and plans for a station that will be WAY too big for this city's needs.
There are -or were -grants out there for this type of thing, but there are certain parameters. Generally, there's state and federal funding available for renovating an existing structure. Mechanicville recently utilized a grant to do just that. I think their grant had to do with asbestos removal, but ended up doubling the available space used by the department.
Unfortunately, I'm not aware of a grant out there that pertains to building NEW police structures. Maybe there is, but I haven't heard it mentioned among the new station's proponents. And while I view most of these folks as doltish, I think they would have taken the time to research such a thing before trying to shove this tax boondoggle down the public's collective throat.
I remain utterly unconvinced that these guys couldn't build an addition onto the station and then reorganize the existing space. In the short-run, it won't be as much 'bang for the buck' so to speak; renovating is generally more expensive than building new. But in the long run, this would be the best fiscal option, as the city wouldn't have the serious trouble of finding a new tenant for the station, which is in a local where few uses would be amenable. In fact, the area is mainly suited for government offices, which freaks me out even more. Worst case senario: new station gets built, city government expands into old space.
These are the issues both opponents and proponents should be talking about, not giving bullshit tours of the facility and fear-mongering in the press. And that is exactly why I blog about this topic with such voracity.
I hope the interlude to this posting isn't being taken as a knock on Gillibrand. As a freshman congresswoman, she's done just fine. She's been very attentive to the region, has made herself readily available to the press and has a chief-of-staff who was very active in the Spa City community. I think she's a far better alternative for the area than Treadwell.
But with this said, her power to deliver money for Kim's pet project is next to nil; it is now, and it will be for long into the foreseeable future. This is NOT the type of project the fed is going to dump money into ESPECIALLY in a city as affluent as Saratoga Springs. There are much poorer cities facing more dire circumstances with their police facilities(Anyone visit the station in Amsterdam?) that would command such funds. Like Gillibrand said -and as sad as it is in reality -she can only get equipment. And most of this equipment is stuff the cops really don't need(SWAT truck?!?!).
As for Ron Kim, he needs to pull his head out of Moore's posterior and start doing his job. I have no doubt this fool will be out on the street come next election. And the only reason he wasn't during this election was that the moderate democratic voters had far too much trepidation voting for more than one republican in an election. In other words, his worthless ass was kept in office because of the McTygue-Keehn flap. If any democrat is pinning their hopes on him, the future of the city party is grim.
I am a retired public servant. We moved here from the Syracuse area. Our police station was self-sufficient. The repairs were made in house as much as possible, funded by income of parking tickets, speeding tickets, DWI arrests etc. I laughed when I first heard that the police station was falling apart and the answer was to build new. How about getting the parking enforcement offices to write tickets and lose the "list" that they carry of friends and family that they refuse to ticket. Ticket those few business owners that park all day on Broadway. Write a DWI to that self-decided socialite that night after night drives herself home quite tipsy. There's your funding for repairing the old station.
We are in a recession.
There is some pretty scary information being said and written about America’s dire financial situation.
The federal, state, and even the city government seem to be on shaky financial ground.
Saratoga Springs may be more fortunate than other areas of the country, but we do not live in a vacuum.
If this country is experiencing a more severe type of recession than usual, it would be prudent to be more cautious when spending taxpayer’s dollars.
Do really want Commissioner Kim spending 17 million dollars of our money on a fancy new building for the police department?
If we are so intent on spending money, why not fix those useless water lines that are needed by the fire department to fight fires.
I would think that that would be a higher priority and more benefical to city residents.
11:02 AM said
"Write a DWI to that self-decided socialite that night after night drives herself home quite tipsy."
Hey buddy, let me tell you something.
You live in Saratoga now, not Syracuse.
We treat our socialites a little bit different than you would; that is, if you had any in Syracuse to begin with.
Oh sure, we might nail an occasional rock star who happens to be partying a little too much down on Caroline Street.
But please don't mention our socialites.
That's something we like to keep quiet about.
Quit your crying over a recession. Typical tight wad pinching pennies. I bet you are a jew. If it were Tom McTygue you would be all for it.
OK folks. Recently, I've been inundated with a fair number of off-kilter know-nothing belligerent comments bordering on the pointlessly offensive. Case in point, 5:24 above. I've published this dogshit so that the author, or authors of the aforementioned posts understand they're going to get moderated. Make a point, otherwise don't waste my time moderating or your time typing. Go post on Nazis-R-Us or something and save us all the trouble. I really hate moderating comments, because I like to keep an unfettered discussion going on these posts. So it pains me when people can't adhere to a few simple rules:
1. Keep roughly on topic.
2. Be somewhat courteous of one another.
3. If you wouldn't say out loud it in a bar, don't say it here.
Got it? Good.
You have my sincere respect. Though I think you've been extremely moderate in your stealth moderation, cybersickoes like 5:24 are too typical of the worst of the worst. Thank you for being one small voice of reason. Your original post was eloquent, passionate, and spot-on.
Thank you.
My replies to Anonymous 5:24 PM
Quit your crying over a recession.
"I'm not crying because I'm sitting pretty. I will actually make more money in a recession."
Typical tight wad pinching pennies. I bet you are a jew.
"No, I'm not a Jew, but I like Jews. They are great to do business with. All you need is a handshake."
If it were Tom McTygue you would be all for it.
"No, I would not be for spending money we don't have for something that we don't need. And I am quite sure that Tom McTygue would also not be in favor of building a Sonny Bonacio type of building for our police department."
RE Anonymous 5:24
"I bet you are a jew"
I bet you are a redneck doofus.
Wait, listen... isn't that the sound of a Shlitz Ice calling your name?
By the way, "Jew" is capitalized, you friggin moron. If you are going for racial epithets (you may need to look that one up), it is always more effective to spell the words correctly.
11:02 "Our police station was self-sufficient."
Ten pounds of apples stuffed into an 8-pound bag is the deliberate result of management or the benign misdirected efforts of staff and resource planning.
The station needs an overhaul -- like in its past. This is not a 120-year-old facility. It no doubt needs renovation, an addition and use of decentralized facilities throughout the City. We do live in an electronic world. Even our patrol cars are mobile office stations equipped with computer technology.
We don't need a symbolic 1980 Central Command Center surrounded by cars. We need to consider funding and competing demands for our 'limited' resources. The city resident tax paying population isn't growing by leaps and bounds, and they require a Public Safety Department that is effective and efficient. We already have the former; we just have to work on the latter.
HO - It is a shame that you need to edit these - but please do - it is not right to stand in a room when someone is uttering a racist comment - the alternative here would be to stop reading the blog - and that would lead this to a lower common dominator - although some might comment that the last election cycle might have done that... I guess I feel the same way about the Post Comment that includes BL... I am not a prude but please
Now that we are talking about Sex and High Crimes - I need to take issue with 6:23 am - I think it is a shame that you have blinders on - that Democrats are GOOD and GOP is BAD - it must be a horrible way to live your life.... but to give you a short history lesson - like the LAST MONTH - look at what we did with the Democrats in charge of NY. We had a governor that used state resources (plane, staff and security) so that he could violate the Mann Act to be meet a Jersey Girl and committ acts of unsafe sex... how much money has NYS lost on this issue... then it has come out that the same man used the State Police to committ a "political hit job" on his GOP opposition... then his replacement has is own issues with using campaign funds for meetings with his Mistress (and there are just a whole lot of issues that raise issues of good judgement).
Friday, March 28, 2008
Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand walked into the Saratoga Police Station Thursday, set her feet shoulders-width apart and tore open her ankle-length coat to reveal three dozen neatly tethered sticks of dynamite strapped to her chest. Drawing a .38 from a previously concealed shoulder holster, she fired a single warning shot into the ceiling of the station and then began to shout.
“Nobody moves, nobody whispers and nobody gets hurt,” she ordered to the cowering press corps that had unwittingly believed her ruse about touring the station.
Morons, the freshman lawmaker thought, these freaks will believe anything I say; now it’s time to drop the hammer.
“I want the $8 million you bastards allocated for this dump in unmarked, non-sequential bills,” she hissed, while simultaneously waving the tightly gripped pistol at a cowering television camera man who had inadvertently wet himself in the excitement. “And I want a Harrier jet out here in five minutes.”
It’s a shame this wasn’t the story line making it into the four daily newspapers that mundanely followed Gillibrand around like a flock of bleating sheep. Instead, readers across the county got this: the police station is fucked and the federal government can’t do anything about it other than arm the Saratoga cops to the teeth. Not that any of this comes as a surprise. In fact, the congresswoman’s visit to the dated Lake Avenue station is about the only surprise in the roughly 2,300 words written about the affair between the four daily newspapers that covered it.
Only moments after stepping into the station, Gillibrand proclaimed she could do very little for the situation in terms of “bricks and mortar” for a new building. But, she continued, there is hope for a new Saratoga Spring SWAT team vehicle, a batch of M-16 automatic assault rifles and a veritable cornucopia of devices needed to take down an “active shooter” situation; you know, the sort of situations that have plagued the city for centuries.
Scanning the resulting formulaic articles from this futile event is akin to pursuing several hundred copies of someone’s tax returns, only each in a different font and color. First, start off with a cliché, something catchy. Then move into the so-called meat: the police station is in bad condition. Finally, drop Gillibrand’s punch line: sorry guys, you’re shit out of luck because the fed is more interested in turning your police force into an urban military tactical squad.
At first blush, one can broadly castigate these reporters for producing such homogenous tripe. Case in point, The Daily Gazette, Post Star and Saratogian articles even contain about the same number of words: 750 plus or minus a few. The Times Union attempted to deliver a more unique message by jumbling in the congresswoman’s full tour of the area, even though it seemed kind of scattered in the end.
But the sad fact is there was an editor that put these writers up to this task, accentuating it with equally bland headlines: Gillibrand tours city’s police station, Tours show space is tight, and Gillibrand tours police station. That’s the way to attract readers and bolster circulation, give’em something good and bland.
Ignored were the more appropriate issues with the station, such as an actual physical description of the space at hand and the space needed. Or what kind of grants might be available for the so-called bricks-and-mortar. Or what exactly have the police done over the past decade to play nice with the goddamn station they already have. Maybe ask why an M-16 is more important than the funding needed to bring the station up to code.
Here’s a good question: how many hours of overtime did Police Chief Ed “Arrests aren’t being made when they normally would be” Moore and his predecessors approve for a cop to watch the faulty cell block system that is only now being replaced? Better yet, how many criminals did his officers turn out onto the street because of so-called issues with the station?
These are questions some if not all of these reporters might ask, had they the time or urging to write something poignant. Instead, they’re prodded into following the herd into mediocrity; rushed into producing something that is hardly news worthy and hardly worth forking over 50 cents to read.
posted by Horatio Alger at 11:31 AM
shotinthedark said...
Good article.
At first blush you have morphed from fiction to fact.
Where has common sense gone?
That black minister may not be entirely wrong about this country.
"God Bless America" but "God damn America."
We have become an intellectually shallow people.
4:06 PM
Anonymous said...
A Congresswoman touring the City jail! What’s next, a Senator? The circus continues…..
Does anyone know what this Commissioner or the Chief have done for the past three years?
8:34 PM
Anonymous said...
The Commissioner has had tantrums and whined a lot. The Chief has collected a lot of pay and whined a lot. Perfect for each other.
4:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Perfect! Now we have assholes like shot thinking Obama's minister is right! You are a friggin' communist bastard. Not only should you leave this city if you don't like it, maybe leaving the country will better suit you.
Hit the Road Jack!
The commissioner and the chief have done a great deal protecting are city. God Damn You! Not this country!
7:35 AM
shotinthedark said...
Dear 7:35 AM,
You are exactly what I am talking about; a perfect example of an intelligently shallow person.
8:26 AM
Anonymous said...
7:35 "The commissioner and the chief have done a great deal protecting are city."
Just how have they "protected” this City?” Could you write and tell us?
It is an embarrassment to continually parade people and cameras through a facility that they are responsible for maintaining. In fact, one was elected to manage the department and the other is paid to manage his staff. Are they doing their jobs?
Claiming over 100 safety code violations in a facility that they are responsible for and have within their own ranks the City’s own Public Safety Inspectors is nothing short of absurdity. How many years of looking the other way or worse, indulging and promoting this so called chaos is the result of their own efforts.
Parading a member of Congress through a poorly maintained facility should be embarrassing, not to a community, but to the Commissioner and his Chief. Claiming that the a 120 year City Hall must be replaced probably had our Congresswoman wondering on her plane trip back to DC, whether the Congress Chambers should be sold for a new facility down the street. Can we expect a Senator (under fire) walk past the victim’s bench next?
Could the emergency phone blackouts be coincidental? The County Coordinator didn’t respond this week because as one of the designers of the original system he understands that the whole system (not just our little police station) needs to be evaluated. Cell phones and text messages has created a whole new frontier.
Are you feeling served?
5:50 PM
Marley said...
I see nothing wrong with Gillibrand checking out the police station. Maybe there is funding to apply for through the Feds. I see Mayor Scott is there at the scene as well. He can help the cause hopefully.
6:07 PM
Anonymous said...
RE Anonymous 7:35AM
I love people who get heated about anyone questioning the government and respond with "leave the country!" Why don't YOU leave? Go somewhere that caters to fascist boot-lickers like yourself... your intolerance toward free speech would be welcome in places like China.
9:40 PM
Anonymous said...
HO: Kirsten Gillibrand can be a US Representative for life, if she wants to. The morally and financially bankrupt Republican Party has been exposed as utterly incapable of serving the public good.
All the Geriatric Old men's Party cares about is protecting the privileges of rich businessmen and developers. They couldn't care less about providing affordable housing for working class families, protecting Social Security benefits for senior citizens, or making health care available to all Americans. All they want to spend public money on is a set of policies that keeps us perpetually at war so most of our tax dollars go to their buddies in the defense industry, or bailing out Wall Street speculators who've wrecked the economy. And they don't mind spending trillions of public dollars on their ruinous policies - even if they have to borrow the money from China to do it.
To paraphrase...
At the same time, the Democrats are forcing most of us to spend almost all of our incomes on the basic necessities - heating our homes, putting food on our tables, and clothing on our backs - because their lunatic actions are keeping us away from the real issues of helping the upstate economy, and these actions have no end in sight.
That being said I agree with HO that Gillibrand has done a fine job - I liked Congressman Kick A@# but his actions since he left says that he acted more like a Democrat. If I was to vote today - Gillibrand is not bad - I would vote for her (and I certainly have good wishes for her in "her most delicate state".)
HO your comments on grants for new buildings is similar to my experiences... and sometimes more space is not the best answer...
Kyle - nice comment in the PS - nice that you get out of the city sometimes! The Battlefield is a great place to walk a dog (put please do not allow them to chase the deers).
I think that is appropriate for the Congresswoman to see the issues in her district... at the same time, it would be nice to hear more from the SPD of stopping crime or arresting evil doers rather than just what new technology they got from the Feds and their space shortage.
Just an observer
The Inquisitor 5:24 says, "I'll bet you are a Jew."
That comment makes us all Jews. Shame on you.
As a Jew and native Saratogian whose family has devoted our lives to the betterment of Saratoga Springs I am terribly saddened and horrified to see rampant and blatant anti-semitism on this blog.
RE Louise Goldstein,
I second your opinion of disapointment, but as an ardent follower of iSaratoga I haven't seen "rampant" anti-semitism. In fact, besides the ignoramomus who posted anonymously at 5:24, I haven't seen any other anti-semitic remarks ever on this blog.
The appearance of blatant bigotry on this blog shouldn't surprise anyone. The "i saratoga" blog is a perfect reflection of Saratoga Springs itself - a smug, self-satisfied provincial small town that's loaded with intolerance for anyone whose family hasn't lived here for many generations.
If you're a woman who doesn't know her place, a person of color, a follower of a religion that's not one of the mainstream Catholic or Protestant denominations, or anyone else who doesn't belong to the Chamber of Commerce, country club establishment, you're simply not wanted here.
Take a look in the mirror, Saratoga Springs. There's a lot of ugliness beneath the shiny surface.
Louise Goldstein said...
"I am terribly saddened and horrified to see rampant and blatant anti-semitism on this blog."
But you probably should not really be that surprised.
Blacks, Mexicans, Orientals, Eskimos, Gays, Disabled People, Jews, Muslims, the list goes on.
Things are much better than when we were kids; but we still have a ways to go.
Today’s Times Union
SARATOGA SPRINGS -- Skidmore College is investigating a swastika that was drawn on a giant poster promoting a campus lecture Wednesday by former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, a spokeswoman said.
5:24 says, "I'll bet you are a Jew."
Such chutzpah! But thank you anyway. After thousands of years, we've all had an interesting journey from those plains in Africa across the continents ending up here in our city, where evolution stops.
Today, our Chief comments, that in general, “the city’s police department has been without the services of about 10 officers who were off the street for various reasons”. Maybe through natural attrition our force can recognize that perhaps ten less is actually much moore.
And to those wounded by the shmendrik 5:24, Saratoga Springs does not have the market on idiots. Get over it.
4:23 AM said...
"a smug, self-satisfied provincial small town that's loaded with intolerance for anyone whose family hasn't lived here for many generations."
You paint a picture of rampant bigotry in Saratoga Springs with a very wide brush.
I find it ironic that what you write is also blatantly discriminatory. Your words are really no different than anonymous 5:24 who wrote disparagingly of the Jewish people. Instead of Jewish people you have maligned a different group of people…. The Locals.
How do tell the difference between a local and let’s say someone who has moved here back in 1981?
Do they have hook noses, or nappy hair, or do you have to go to the library to find out when their ancestors moved here?
I have noticed that there have been a few other posts like yours that indicate that people who have recently moved into the area have not been readily welcomed into the community with open arms.
I would suggest the problem may also be:
1. You have a big chip on your shoulder and it is weighing you down.
2. You have bought a few bad habits from where you came from and locals have rejected them.
The problem is ultimately yours no matter whose fault it is.
There is an evil in the heart of Saratoga... and it lurks in the Stewart's chili!
Everyone needs to settle down a bit, including Horatio.
(Note to the editor: how about a more fun topic for a change?)
I love these people who think anyone who hasn't lived here for more than ten years is not considered a local. 4:23 is absolutely right! Take a look in the mirror. Don't be such wusses. It's the world we live in, God help us all. You people doing the biggest complaining about that comment probably don't even go to church.
Shit in the Dark at 4:23 am:
Why the offensive comments about "hook noses" and "nappy hair"?
Take a look in the mirror. Your blatant bigotry is showing.
4:23 "... a smug, self-satisfied provincial small town that's loaded with intolerance..."
Hey, that's not my town. My neighbor (the guy from Boston) has never given me any guff even after twenty years. Same with those Long Gylanders down the street. And its nice to read about our Historical Society Celebration -- lots to learn and be proud of -- knowing everyone got off the boat at some point.
So, if you got any more problems with smugness, I'd say go back to your version of an upscale Cosmopolis and stop being so critical of us ... 'cause we like it here.
I probably failed with today's downer. I was planning a bubbly April Fool's post, but unfortunately fell prey to a roving bottle of Red Zinfindel. Fear not, however; the humor is still there. I just need to switch to bourbon. Besides, it's almost derby time.
Derby Time! Almost! The only problem I have with the track is there are more Horse's asses than horses.
4:26 AM said...
"Why the offensive comments about "hook" noses" and "nappy hair"?'
As a white man born in the early 1950s, what can I say?
I'm a recovering racist.
Please forgive me for an occasional slip.
With the exception of a few of those Back-Stabbing Italians, I've learned to love and respect all people.
So it's shot who is the racist who posted the antisemetic remark to start all this. I am not surprised.
dem roc said : nor am i about shot in the dark. some really incoherent and rambling posts on this topic, but who anm i to judge. anyone who thinks there is more intolerance in todays world then 50 years ago is fooling themselves. those clowns who say we need to return to the good old days.... i'm not sure what good old days they're talking about. i laughed how shot in the dark claims we don't need to spend money on things we don't need, but was all for spending 20 plus million dollars on a water plant we don't need. why, because tommy said we needed it. and of course that price tag is an illusion just as much as some the price tag of an item you put on your credit card. it may only be $100 at the store, but by the time you get done with paying the interest it's much higher.
now i think the point of gillibrand coming around is to 1; maybe get some nat'l funding and 2; it's nice to see public officials come to our facilities when they're not looking for votes, like guiliani and congressman kick ass, or should i say congressman "get drunk, drive drunk, and kick your wifes ass" sweeney, when they campaigned at our local fire station.
Dem Roc: You are exactly right about shot in the dark. He feels his opinion is the only opinion that is worthwhile. As an obvious McTygue plant on this blog he talks about spending too much city money unless it was an original McTygue and company idea. But certainly their response will be blaming Val Keehn or Ron Kim.
20 million for lake water not needed but Recreation Centers for our children or Public Safety facilities to ensure our quality of life are bad for the community.
Just for the record, it's not McTygue's fault. It's Michelle Boxley's fault. After all it was her brother in law who got in that mess down at the state senate.
I worked in the so called good ole days with the good ole boys(McTygue) and I am still employed downtown. I am also thrilled he is gone. Skip is a professional through and through and it shows in the employees and their dedication to a man with integrity that was lacking for so long.
7:45 AM said...
"But certainly their response will be blaming Val Keehn or Ron Kim."
It seems very clear to me that Kim is standing on the wrong side of the fence regarding Public Safety.
Horatio, I believe, has it pegged correctly. Kim will be booted from office over his asinine plans for a new building and willingness to climb into bed with the police department.
Johnson and the others are already circling the wagons. They can smell blood.
Brillant! What do we have to look forward to? McTygue for public safety now? Shot just doesn't get it. This building,like it or not, is sorely needed. You need to open your eyes and see that a Public Safety Building is more important than spending $20 million on a water source that'e not needed for 25 years.
Anonymous 7:45 AM said...
“Dem Roc: You are exactly right about shot in the dark. He feels his opinion is the only opinion that is worthwhile.’
Since you brought it up, sure it’s plain that there are some of us who are much more intelligent than others who comment on these blogs. At first it was quite frustrating for a person like me to participate with some of the dummies that frequent these sites.
However, I’ve learned to ignore much of the stupid bullshit that is written by people who have lower IQs than mine. What is the point of replying to a thoughtless poorly written derogatory comment that is really just a rant to begin with?
So for future reference, if you refer to me directly and I don’t reply, you will automatically know I what I think of you.
Mamie"...I worked in the so called good ole days.."
And obviously, you don't do much work these days since you can't seem to get over your rug complaints (toilet complaints, hot water complaints, “where can I put a bench complaint?”…). A Public Safety servant that spends all his/her time complaining about their job should go out and find something else to do and see how long those complaints would be tolerated.
Public Safety has the greatest piece of the City budget and all you can do is complain how ‘illegal’ all of your “own renovations” have been over the years and how discriminated you are. The Public gets real tired of crybabies.
You like working for the City and living in Wilton or Ballston Spa. Maybe you should work for the Sheriff or the Village and stop whining about how hard you have it. Your "I want list" is not the only taxpayer burden.
Shot said:
Automatically know I what I think of you.
Wow! You are soooo smart!
City Hall, Yes! Public Safety Dept., No! I wouldn't live in Ballston Spa if it were free!
Anonymous said... 4:06 AM
"Shot said:
Automatically know I what I think of you.
Wow! You are soooo smart!
They say ignorance is bliss.
I imagine you lead a very blissful life
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