Intelligent Design

Yes, it seems Ahab’s crews and their harpoons are circling a bit closer to the great white whale. Valerie Keehn, in moment of her typical political mudslinging, used the resignation as a stake to pound McTygue’s tenure on City Council to that of embattled former Public Safety Commissioner Tom Curley. She likened the resignation to the fate of Curley’s deputy, Erin Dreyer, who is well regarded as a prime reason the Republicans were voted out of office in 2005.
Of course, it should be noted that Curley did everything in his power to prevent Dreyer’s dismissal, whereas Design simply quit. And it’s tough to draw cogent similarities between an inexperienced whore of a deputy that screwed her way through the police department and a faithful city employee who by many accounts worked tirelessly for the department.

At this point, Design’s resignation could mean just about anything. In his comments to the Daily Gazette Tuesday, McTygue hinted of a “difference of opinion” between him and Design. But the commissioner also showered his former deputy with praise and even hinted that the door was still open if he changed his mind.

Either way, the resignation doesn’t bode well for McTygue, who already is taking a fair beating in some circles. Of course, many of these barbed harpoons being chucked at the 16-term commish seem awfully similar to the rhetoric Keehn’s supporters have been spouting each time the Times Union blogs mention Gordon Boyd.
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