Judge not lest ye be judged

In fact, it’s so good a job the city Republicans are now split and bearing their incisors at one another, in a fashion some overzealously believe to be reminiscent of the cataclysmic implosion that befell the city Democrats over the past two years. But while any rift between the live-by-the-sword GOP’ers is relatively uncommon, it’s a bit far of a reach to compare any such political transgression as being on par with what happened to the mules.
The Republican flap involves part-time city court Judge James Doern and former city Matt Doresy. City Republicans narrowly advanced Dorsey’s candidacy, despite Doern serving nine years on the bench as Mills’ understudy. But Doresy is witty. Doresy is charismatic. Doresy is the guy that playfully roasted city Mayor Scott Johnson before the State of the City address earlier this month. Well, kiss my grits.
Naturally, the newspapers jumped on the divergence of viewpoints. The Saratogian claims a dozen GOP’ers stormed out of the vote in protest and suggest the party may be in “disarray.” The Times Union reports “Democrats may not be the only divided party in the city.” Yes, it’s the first visible crack to show in the Republican machine, which has historically done a superb job at keeping its rank-and-file members in line.
Though it’s reasonable to deduce both candidates are well qualified for the job, Doern certainly has the inside edge when it comes to experience. But this edge seldom makes a difference when one has the inside edge with the GOP machine; something that Dorsey certainly has. He served as the city’s attorney under former Republican mayor Michael Michael Lenz and was at one point mentioned as a candidate for Bobby D’Andrea’s state Assembly seat.

Peter Tulin’s name has again surfaced in context with an election, a concept that is every bit as mind-boggling as the notion that more than 60,000 voters pulled the lever for him during the state Supreme Court election last fall. Tulin fired off a rather brash missive to city Democratic chairman Lou Schneider last month, basically faulting him for the collapse of the party and all but calling for his resignation during a committee meeting slated for this weekend. He also laid into the party chair for not giving his Supreme Court candidacy more support.
“You presided over, and some say unwittingly engineered an absolute disaster for our the Democratic Party in Saratoga Springs this past November,” Tulin wrote. “Sorry to be so personal Lou, but you and I both know about the shenanigans you have been pulling behind my back for several years.”
Of course, there are many reasons why Tulin didn’t get support from city Democrats and few of them have to do with Schneider’s lack of support. When one has more skeletons than the Saratoga National Cemetery, it’s usually a good idea to remain outside of politics. Such is the case with Tulin, who had a few public and many other less-than-public intercessions.
Most voters avoid candidates who fall more than $25,000 behind in child support, have their $132,000 painting sold at auction by the state to cover such payments, and then still manage to muster up enough cash to run a cross-county election. Others find themselves a bit leery to pull the lever for a guy that recently told the press of his treatment for bi-polar disorder. From a chairman’s perspective, these are candidates to avoid like the plague. And that’s before one even scratches the surface of Tulin’s alleged indiscretions while digging some of the Spa City’s fine area drinking establishments. Hint: we’re not talking tiddlywinks here.

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Why judge Peter Tulin so harshly?
Yeah, he lives large sometimes but hey I assume you may have some stories floating around about yourself and the drinking establishments here in town.
With respect to his supposed diagnosis. Bipolar disorder which used to have the sexier tag of Manic Depression is the hottest thing going these days. Misbehave, have a little fun and bam you're bipolar.
Geez, Bill liked to cut loose sometimes (staying up all night drinking Bombay Sapphire and smoking Cubans) but he was one of our greatest presidents. Compare his accomplishments to the sober and moralistic behavior of our current fearless leader. Who would you vote for today?
Peter's a sweet guy with a strong intellect and he would make a fine city court judge.
Very true, with regards to Peter's downtown track record. But I will say, I wear my indiscretions like a badge of courage; seldom bashful about any of them. And with my predilection for avarice, the number is many. Then again, you probably wouldn't catch me running for any court position, much less a supreme one.
As you can well imagine, I'm no puritan and I certainly don't hold politicians to any standard higher than my own. Judges, however, should be a bit above politics, which consequently places them a bit higher in the moral ground category, I suppose. Sure, it's cool to have a 'seasoned' guy on the bench. But I think in this case, Peter's a bit more than seasoned; he's cajun blackened.
My name is Peter A. Tulin.[personal information redacted] I have been practicing law in Saratoga Springs for about 32 years.
I feel like a pretty lucky guy. My parents live here, they love me, and I love them. They taught me to work hard, and imbued me with the fortitude to deal with unpleasant people.
My son, Charles, and my daughter, Sarah, are in college. I have great respect for their academic, physical and spiritual achievements. Laughing with them also helps me deal with unpleasant people.
Pending lawsuits preclude me from commenting on defamatory information that you have chosen to re-publish. I will say that in spite of your abysmal research skills, your blog is pretty entertaining. At the very least, it would appear that you have an abundance of time on your hands; and, you did spell my name correctly.
If some of your readers are concerned with my well being or miffed by my behavior they can be assured that I am one smilin' fella and that I sleep very well at night.......How bout you, Horatio?
I've republished your comment without the personal information. If you'd like this published, I'll happily reprint them.
Sleeping is something I try to avoid. There's too little time in this world. As for research, I've got my sources, some of them first hand. I'm not trying to say your bad attorney or a bad person; in fact, it seems as though you enjoy life better than many in the city and the folks you've represented don't have much negative to say about your litigation prowess.
Just I'm not one to disagree with Schneider's decision to distance himself from your campaign last year, especially given the party turmoil. As for a run at city judge, I don't know. It seems like a reach, to be quite honest.
Wow, Peter is one scary dude. Now that he's burned himself in both major parties, what's next?
The thought of him holding the lives of others in his hands affects my sleeping habits, and not in a good way!
Horatio, anything you can shed on the lawyer running for family court judge, the Internet is full of information on this subject, none of it good.
What's with this "redacted" shit?
How come the rest of us were never afforded this privilege?
Spa City's mayor pays bail for arrested builder
Johnson says contractor is family friend
BY THOMAS DIMOPOULOS, tdimopoulos@poststar.com
Updated: Friday, February 15, 2008 8:53 PM EST
SARATOGA SPRINGS -- An area home builder facing felony grand larceny charges over accusations that he accepted more than $200,000 for houses that he never built, was released from jail after $16,000 in bail was posted by Mayor Scott Johnson......www/poststar.com
Today’s Post Star:
“Spa City's mayor pays bail for arrested builder
Johnson says contractor is family friend
Updated: Friday, February 15, 2008 8:53 PM EST
SARATOGA SPRINGS -- An area home builder facing felony grand larceny charges over accusations that he accepted more than $200,000 for houses that he never built, was released from jail after $16,000 in bail was posted by Mayor Scott Johnson.”
Well, let’s all get ready to start reading the onslaught of derogatory and vicious post from the Keehn camp.
P.S. Anybody know a judge that can help this poor bastard out.
Peter Tulin has been a great personal friend over the past 25 yrs. He has gone out of his way many, many times for me and my family.
I wish Saratoga was so lucky, as to have someone so talented on the bench, or in it's goverment.
6:28 "An area home builder facing felony grand larceny charges"
If Scott Johnson were not Mayor this would not be the story it appears at first glance, other than another hard hit contractor caught up in difficult times. SJ posted this man's bail -- that's all he did. That he did and that he could speaks to compassion, not politics.
There had been a tendency lately to sensationalize and stray from point, the comments on a particular issue. It’s part of anonymity perhaps, and I must admit to having wandered in my commentaries as well with one difference, and that is to address what someone has publicly stated or has been derelict to do in an elected office and not what someone has been alleged to have said or done. Most information is retrievable, except the local print paper’s has disabled its archive retrieval function, the last real purpose that that online newssource could have provided its readers. We can be thankful that our other news providers have taken up just another deficiency of that troubled newspaper.
Anyway (back to point eventually), the recent and on going concern over the Getto Chopper is a private matter much to the dismay of many people. The City and the public cannot alter the discussion or the outcome. The property is zoned and many options exist within that zoning. Zoning is a publicly notified process. This impending sale does not require “The Sunshine Law” as recently stated, because it has nothing to do with “illuminating” the workings of government. The persons involved in this negotiation are not stupid people, and the resulting use will be as permitted by zoning (as defined by the City with the public’s oversight) and that which will be best for the owner and the neighborhood.
I think Mr. Tulin (the topic here?) stated his position correctly. He notes his children in his response because I believe he wants you to be aware of the collateral damage and potential impact of one’s careless and slanderous writing. On the other hand, his published opinions on the Democratic Committee are his opinions, and ours should be regarding those.
The fact that Johnson is willing to put his money where his mouth is, the fact that he is willing to help out his friends shows me that Saratoga voters pulled the right lever in the voting booth.
If you think about it, I am sure that Johnson could have easily put this money up without his name being attached to it.
Kudos to friendship.
Peter A. Tulin said 3:14 PM,
“I feel like a pretty lucky guy. My parents live here, they love me, and I love them.
My son, Charles, and my daughter, Sarah, are in college. I have great respect for their academic, physical and spiritual achievements. Laughing with them…
If some of your readers are concerned with my well being”
I’m no lawyer; but it seems to me that any concern us readers might have for your well being would be misplaced as you seem to have a pretty good life.
3:41 AM said,
“Anyway (back to point eventually), the recent and on going concern over the Getto Chopper is a private matter much to the dismay of many people. The City and the public cannot alter the discussion or the outcome.”
Sounds to me like you have changed your tune concerning this issue.
Have you seen the light?
I don't think many people would want their home phone number, cell phone, home address and e-mail published on line in a forum. This is an assumption on my part, but I'd rather err on the safe side given the negative backlash several Saratogians reported here.
Tulin is actually not the topic here; just to show the parity between the inter-party struggles lately over Mills' seat in City Court. But I suppose the 'defamatory' information posted here has struck a nerve with some. My general response is that I didn't live this guys life and I don't claim be his biographer. But there seems to be a cloud that follows him around and one that at least two newspapers have called into question. Someone can be the nicest person in the world; it doesn't mean they don't have troubles. And in this case, those troubles would usually preclude one from deciding important cases on the state's highest court for the next decade and call into serious question their ability to sit on the city's bench for as long.
I'm going to assume you're talking about Kurt Mausert. There are many published reports about him being a Hare Krishna follower during the 1970s, when his brother was stabbed and killed by a Philippino national in Hawaii; the murder remains unprosecuted. I'm not sure if his cult following continues, but there's at least one fellow who seems to think he's part of some child-molesting devil worship cult. I watched a few of the guy's videos and they are disturbing in the sense that someone took the time to make them. I can't find any record of the case in published reports and frankly lack the interest to listen to this guy's hours of video.
Lastly and on a somewhat related note, a persistent poster would really find it special if folks would watch this rather annoying Family Guy clip. I suppose the implication is that your's truly is either a 'phony' or highly irritating(like the clip); or perhaps both.
"This is for the person who said we shouldn't judge certain people and then does just that," the poster writes. "There is no more irony but your persistence is admirable."
Likewise. In any case, if you've got time to burn and find yourself pining for old clips of the cartoon but can't seem to navigate youtube, feel free to click on the above link.
6:43: "Sounds to me like you have changed your tune concerning this issue.
Have you seen the light?"
I don't believe I have changed my thought on this. I can and have expressed my concerns over the (potential) loss and my wishes for some things to remain as they are, but I have always understood this to be a private sale. If I could afford $20 million to buy it and keep it insitu? Would I? Probably not.
3:41 Horatio, you're right. I was referring to the respondents who like me can drift from a topic to a self-created subtext and take off, but hopefully not as an assassin.
In regard to the persistent poster who wanted us to see The Family Guy clip: what a colossal waste of time. Thanks for shoving that pedantic piece of rubbish into our consciousness.
What’s better than the Family Guy clip, this town former first husband went absolutely berserk at the YMCA hot tub the other day. While bitterly complaining that his beloved wife Val's defeat was all on account of the evil McTygues he was challenged by a more rational hot tuber to back up his claim. At this Davie went bananas cursing the world the man his children and grandchildren. Davie is also claimed to have put a NIXIUM hex on the hapless bather. There were numerous witness to your outburst Davie and it was noted you kept your swim trunks on. Temper, temper you are suppose to be a lawyer.
Anonymous said...8:11 AM
"I don't believe I have changed my thought on this."
Pardon me. I mistook your writing for that of Horatio's.
We have a right to scrutinize those seeking positions in the judiciary. Tulin can write all he wants here to try to gain sympathy and look like the family man. It's time people in the community stopped dusting this guy off.
Reports confirmed that he disobeyed court orders and was actually found in willful violation of such. How can we condone someone for what should be an esteemed position in our legal system when he cannot obey the orders courts? According to what I read Tulin is far from the family man he seeks to paint himself as. I read in one report that he was over $40k in child support arrears, that was before the report on the Dept. of Taxation and Finance seized his assets to pay around $25k.
The Dems would be wise to ask if he can even sit as a judge.
4:01 "It's time people in the community stopped dusting this guy off."
Pretty strong words for an anonymous guy. I guess we can't look at your rap sheet huh Bro? You must be just another upstanding impeccable critic.
With such a holier than thou sentiment, I dare you to post your name and vitals (which we know will be redacted).
Are we ready to dust you off too?
Awww! The poor luxury builder down on his luck and his politically connected bail out. Did you ever hear such a heartwarming story? Did you ever hear the one about the plastic surgeon, the lawyer, the surprised wife and the phone call to the police? Hilarious! Way better than the puerile and crass Family Guy! Pax and slander, PhilthyRex
"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven" KJB Luke 6
I know this builder, and he is not unlike many in our construction community and like them, he took his work seriously. He did fall into a hole here. He made some mistakes, but that was not his business model. It is for the courts to decide his guilt of what turned out to be an unfortunate business experience for him. This man was not malicious; he got into a hole and his victims will have redress.
Posting bail does not determine his guilt or innocence. He was bailed out of jail -- he wasn't bailed out of his responsibilities to answer to the charges against him. I hope that we all have compassionate friends (even anonymous ones) when the need arises.
I can't comprehend the righteousness of some individuals given the opportunity to write, leveling such seemingly personal abomination for individuals they don’t know and, if they do, to what end are their hate filled commentaries directed?
Remember, the world is bigger than yourself, and owes you nothing. The sun is out, enjoy the day.
You should've had to go to Saratoga Springs HS to hold any city council position or recieve any promotion in one of the civil service positions!!
These jobs were created for that purpose. To give kids from the city jobs whose families have lived here for generations.
Real Saratogians have been here for decades/generations and don't like you carpetbaggers in our government, so just be thankful you are there and keep your mouth shut!!
"Did you ever hear the one about the plastic surgeon, the lawyer, the surprised wife and the phone call to the police?"
Yes I did and it's pretty fucking funny.
I can't believe this Schmuck would be stupid enough to ever think he is the least bit qualified to be an attorney much less a judge. If the Dem’s were foolish enough to indorse him they would become an even bigger laughingstock they are now.
The story about David Keehn also reinforces my belief the voters made the right choice. Val and her friends are a bunch of nut cases.
As far as Johnson goes he bailed out a friend what’s wrong with that. He could have had one of his underlings do it to keep his name out of the papers but he had the balls to do it himself and take the political hit. Bravo Scott that kind of integrity has been missing from Saratoga politics for to long.
"I can't comprehend the righteousness of some individuals given the opportunity to write, leveling such seemingly personal abomination for
individuals they don’t know and, if they do, to what end are their hate filled commentaries directed?"
Man. Maybe it's just the remnants of the cheap liquor I recently imbibed, but it seems like we've reached a level of abstract on this thread that's become quite dumb-founding. I'm really not sure who or what we're talking about anymore; Tulin, Johnson, the builder, my blog, David Keehn, tiddlywinks; all of these entities wrapped up together with a neat bow?
However, it's interesting that this thread includes discussion the validity of Tulin for public office and Johnson's recent loan to the builder. While there is quite literally no connection between the two, both discussions are evoking a similar stasis of confusion. Tulin and his friends point to his family characteristics, his long record of legal and civil service and an apparently incomplete written account that might explain away the aforementioned reasons to disqualify him from candidacy in any office, much less a city (or state)judgeship.
I find myself cocking an ear to this talk and then feeling a twinge of remorse for delving into the whole matter in the first place. Then I think again about public office and the scrutiny one undergoes while in it. Then I consider the gut-wrenchingly difficult decisions judges sometimes make. For these reasons, it seems like the best person for such a position are those who have a life-long record of living on the straight and narrow, not those who have clouds gathering around them for whatever reason.
Similarly, I'm in a mental quandry over Johnson posting bail for builder Jim McLagan. First, it's not like this guy went on a shooting rampage after molesting young children; he took money and failed to provide services in full. At $16,000, his bail is negligible; he probably could have gone free for $1,600 bond were it not for Johnson's help. As one reader remarked on The Post Star's Web site, what's so newsworthy about this action? It's not like he's helping the guy flee the country; he's helping out a friend of the family. Others here suggest his actions were somewhat admirable, seeing as though he could have easily given $16,000 to go-between to pay the bail.
But now for the vexing part. It doesn't seem to me that many sitting mayors in this state make a practice of bailing people out of jail. In fact, it's one of those moves that most political advisers would strongly urge against; its fodder for the opposition's cannons come election time. No matter how altruistic Johnson's motives were, he will undoubtedly face a campaign slogan from the opposition party next year that will brag "Johnson makes a habit of bailing out rich builders" or something similar. By that time, McLagan's case will be a distant memory for most of the fickle public, who will see the brash accusation and pull a lever based more on raw emotion than any conceivable shred of fact. Perhaps this is part of the mayor's "no bullshit" shtick. Perhaps he didn't think anyone would find out about it.
Regardless, these guys are both public figures; arguably less so for Tulin who hasn't officially announced any candidacy, but did run for the state's highest court just three short months ago. In being a public figure, you open yourself to such scrutiny. This is why in both cases, I'd argue the information should be made public, no matter how proponents of these fellows would argue it as inconsequential or deleterious.
And lastly, is anyone going to address the Republican Party flap here, which was the overall topic of this post in the first place? There is some speculation that a serious (and ongoing)rift is cracking the party. But those who are making these speculations seem to be from the same clan that cause such of fissure in the Democratic Party. Interesting food for thought.
Doern has spent years on the bench in the Saratoga Springs City Court. Dorsey has spent years as a loyal member of the Saratoga Springs Republican Committee. The Committee's decision to back Dorsey isn't very surprising. It just shows that the Committee values political loyalty more highly than judicial experience.
Some commenters seem to assume the Democratic Committee will take the same approach as the Republicans and pick Tulin just because he's a committee member. Shame on the Dems if they do. They're not likely to win public office just by copying the Repubs. Endorsing a candidate with some real judicial qualifications (unlike Dorsey or Tulin) seems like a much better way to try to win a general election.
“I find myself cocking an ear to this talk and then feeling a twinge of remorse for delving into the whole matter in the first place”
So, Horatio, once this remorse thing passes who are you going to set your sights on next?
I tend to agree with you that I am fair game for denigration, praise, vilification, support etc. on your blog. I served 3 years as Acting City Court Judge and I was City Attorney for Saratoga Springs for 10 years. I was on the public payroll and the public has a every right to interpret my ability, intelligence, behavior, etc.
Some comments are humorous, some are vile, some are true, some are false. The reality is that comments on a blog of this sort generally say more about the Commentor than the Commentee.
I would like to believe that most people who dislike me are jealous, envious, insecure and delusional; but really, humility requires that I should think about why my name sticks in some folks throats.
Keep up the good work. At the very least you are providing clean entertainment and an outlet for people's frustration with whitebread journalism.
Peter A. Tulin
petertulin said...
"Some comments are humorous, some are vile, some are true, some are false."
It would help us a lot if you could be a little more specific.
We can pretty much figure out the humorous ones and the vile ones.
But if you could point us in the right direction on the true and false ones it would be very helpful.
Thank you
RE: Peter Tulin,
In the face of a blog that is busy dissecting you, it is really impressive to hear you laud the benefit of having a forum like this. The town hall meetings of the past, which had actual "discussions," have been replaced with things like blogs. Welcome to shut-in democracy. Imperfect, and certainly impersonal (for everyone posting anonymously), but on the whole refreshing compared to what you accurately called "whitebread journalism." Kudos for being big enough to answer back and to compliment Horatio on what he is doing.
Anyone who looks at some of the most recent moves by the Democratic party will surely tell you that they will again make the wrong choice. A couple of their most recent members brought on board are nothing but ignorant assholes. They approach these blogs maliciously with intent to destroy people that have done nothing but good for this city. This Party is by far worse than it has ever been, proof being some of the disasters that they have put forth for office. (See Gordon Boyd,Hank Kuczynski,John Franck and now Tulin.)
"In the face of a blog that is busy dissecting you, it is really impressive to hear you laud the benefit of having a forum like this."
A smooth talker, but legal troubles and violations of court orders? Not supporting your children? How CAN someone run for a judgeship with such conduct? Family man ... uh, no. If Family Court records were made public and not sealed, Tulin wouldn't have a leg to stand on, or a picture to paint his way. Facts would be in his way.
NYS taxpayers have payed for this mans shenanigans. The State seized his asset to pay for back child support. He's appearing in court again soon on a violation for not paying court ordered child support according to a local reporter. How can you possibly think he would make a good judge? A lack of respect for our court is what I see here. A arrogant man.
I would not want to be him. I don't think many people are jealous, as he says. The ravings of a narcissist - "most people who dislike me are jealous, envious, insecure and delusional ..." Delusional is running for a judgeship as a power grab after you've received suspended jail sentences.
He is complementing Horatio to gloss things over. Try to make himself look good.
8:28 AM said,
"This Party is by far worse than it has ever been, proof being some of the disasters that they have put forth for office. (See Gordon Boyd,Hank Kuczynski,John Franck and now Tulin."
Nobody in their right mind takes your comment seriously when you talk about disasters in the Democratic party and omit the name of Valerie Keehn.
I, for one, applaud Peter for responding to your meanness. Most men wouldn’t have the guts. I saw Peter’s work on the bench and my family and friends use his expertise in legal matters.
I would be very pleased to see him represent Saratoga. I think he should run for Mayor.
To Andy -
And you understand that he's been found in violation of court orders?
I just don't understand your logic.
I don't really see meanness here - many posters just seem dismayed by his behavior and lack of regard for the law. When he violated court order, he broke the law.
So, Andy, if your friend Peter is working why does not pay court ordered child support. Hmm. Guess next time he makes a claim of disability, we can check with you to see if he is actually working or not. Seems that I recall back a few years ago when the Gazette reported that he was forty thousand behind in support he had some claim of not being able to work.
A man who does not support his children, yet pampers himself ... is not a man, nor should he be a judge.
Dear Anonymous:
People in Glass Houses should not throw bricks.
What? You have never broken a law.
And, yes. I have heard the about the plastic surgeon, the lawyer, the surprised wife and the phone call to the police.
There are a million stories...
I have a few of my own... but his personal life is not what will sit on the bench.
He has shown his dedication to the city and he should be rewarded.
Andy, no I haven't broken the law. And, judgeships are not rewards for political involvement. Dedication to the City does not involve breaking the law, being a deadbeat parent, spreading rumors, earning yourself a bad reputation, having the newspaper report on violations of restraining orders, and on and on and on.
Again, a judgeship is not a reward for doing you and your buddies at the pool some legal favors.
A fellow named Goofy said, "Garsh!
The attacks on old Peter are harsh!
Ease up on the hate,
Be patient and wait,
It'll all come out in the Warsh!"
Seriously, I don't think a blog is the appropriate place for me to defend myself or debase others.
I do have a sense that the time of defamation, viciousness and malice without consequence is coming to an end.
Ho, I owe you a debt of gratitude.
Peter A. Tulin
Hey Peter, I’ve notice you dabble in rhymes.
Would you like to try your hand at retrofitting this one?
Peter , Peter , pumpkin-eater,
Had a wife and couldn't keep her;
He put her in a pumpkin shell,
And there he kept her very well.
or perhaps, Peter A. Tulin, the last line should have said ... "it all came out in the ... newspaper."
Not much of a defense for you on these issues. Thanking Horatio? Ha, Ha. Try and intimidate people elsewhere.
Tulin, Your awsome please dont ever change! Seriously the mix of crazy with sheer legal genious is what makes you kick so much ass! so what if your not the most polished turd going, everyone has secrets, your an open book. Because your an open book you have nothing to hide and deserve to be our next judge! seriously think about it people. Dorsey is a train wreck too lol id rather be on the tulin train anyday.
"... the mix of crazy with sheer legal genious is what makes you kick so much ass."
Um, legal smarts don't leave you with dismissed petitions for "disability," (please, someone tell us when you saw this ass disabled), findings of willful violation of support orders, or the Tax dept. seizing your assets. That is .... legal stupidity. That people like you support this guy despite the way he has neglected his children makes me question you as well as him.
Restraining orders too? His poor wife, the men, the woman, the bi-polar disorder.
He does not "deserve" to be our next judge.
Get your own priorities straight.
Pete Tulin is a McTygue groupie like some of the others on this blog. He's as shady as McTygue and then some!
McTygue Is behind everything.I hear he did Val Keehn and thats why husband Dave flipped out in a hot-tub but low and behold turns out Tulin did Val and David.What a town.
It is with great pride that our group would formally like to endorse Peter Tulin for City Court Judge. Peter has shown himself to be a great humanitarian inspirational family man and a great reproducer of his own DNA. Peter’s love for his fellow human beings transcends their sex and is only limited by there promiscuity regardless of their sex race or religion. The opportunity to put a man of his unique caliber on the bench only happens once in a lifetime. I urge all my fellow Saratogians to grab Peter’s horns by the balls or something like that and demand Peter’s name be on the Ballot.
Saratogians who believe Saratoga isn’t circus like enough.
anon 8:20
Key to your statement is McTygue is behind everything. You found that out first hand when you bent over in front of him. The only one who has stuck it in people's asses more than him is his brother.
Talked to many of the old time DPW workers and they say the atmosphere is 1000 times better with dirt bag Tom gone. You go make up stories but defending McTygue will not win any points for you along with keeping that Boyd sticker on your bumper.
I was told by a friend, Pete Tulin has been campaigning door to door. He was seen in the east side neighborhood around Elbern St. A few democrats on Avery St. were insulted by a committee member with a beard who lives nearby. People should be alerted of this.
"People should be alerted of this"
Your right everybodt should be afraid when Peter is in the neighborhood.
"Talked to many of the old time DPW workers and they say the atmosphere is 1000 times better with dirt bag Tom gone."
Of course it is no one makes them work anymore.
“win any points for you along with keeping that Boyd sticker on your bumper.”
I had a Keehn “The peoples Mayor’s ” on my car but it seem to attract flies and crazy people.
Did he actually get the endorsement by the Dems? Is he campaigning on his own? What the heck?
Anyone see a point coming where this ass is just plain dangerous.
Sounds freakish.
Anyone else heard the rumor that he was served by the Sheriff and is going back to court on a child support violation soon? Anyone know when?
lol peter is not campaigning at the moment nor does he have a beard, i just saw him in court on thurs. Furthermore i doubt hes a mctyge lover since hes buddies with ron kim.
"i just saw him in court on thurs."
He would make a good lawyer for the other freak show in town David Keehn.
Maybe Keehn should run for Judge I bet he'd love to wear nothing but a robe.
Oh ... but the story. McTygue got him ON the committee in the first place, and then LB bullied him to the County Counsel position. No doubt now that McTygue has fallen from grace that he's now sucking up (or something) to the leftover Val crowd, ie, Kim and Finneran. This guy plays for himself and himself only. So, whatever needs to be done wherever for gain or a photo op - count on the the ethicaless PT.
Seriously... havent you guys ever seen McTygue publicly slam tulin at open city council meetings and Dem events? They really look like thier tight... LOL as for the quote on the lawyer, and the plastic surgeon... why dont you look into the wifes motives and who defended the plastic surgeon in court? maybe she had some motivation to spread such a vicious rumor. I dont see any record of it at the police department...
I've never understood people supporting this Tulin guy. He's scum and then some. How do you dis your children, especially an infant, and then show up to political events and get support to run for anything. Supreme Court Judge? WTF? Heard his name thrown around during the Bruno resig and nearly lost my lunch.
Seriously, why don't people in the city full of self proclaimed intellects and do-gooders call child support and report what they see. Come on ... is this guy really poor? Nope, just a liar. And we, the good folks of Saratoga Springs just zip our lips and keep him going. For what?
Peter Tulin isnot someone I would recomend for anything I tried to hire him to help me with a estate issue and he would not give a retainer and I foolishly gave him 3000. He did nothing to help the case except talk about his 1404 and his brothers...
Peter Tulin is so insecure he had to hire a lawyer to defend him in a civil court case....what a loser and I am also to have trusted him with my valuable time.
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